Corporate Associations
Skeans is a member of the following associations:
MAC Distributor Network
MDN is an abbreviation for the MAC Distributor Network. The MDN is a global organization of independent distributors and manufacturers with the common focus of customer service and support anywhere in the world
- Over 3,500 Employees Globally • Local Representation in 45 Countries • 200 Stocking and Service Locations • $50,000,000 in Global Inventory
The MDN is working to assure your equipment provides optimum performance…wherever your machines are located. MDN “as one”, takes care of the customer
- Factory Certified Specialists • Pneumatic Application Assistance and Troubleshooting • State of the Art Equipment and Software • Local Inventories Tailored for Specific Requirements
FPDA Motion & Control Network
The FPDA Motion & Control Network represents motion solution providers of fluid power, automation, and electro-mechanical technologies and distribution services designed to enhance customer performance and profitability.
Mechanical Contractors Association of British Columbia
The Mechanical Contractors Association of British Columbia represents the interest of all mechanical contractors and their suppliers through business support, educational resources and industry advocacy.
British Columbia Electrical Association
The British Columbia Electrical Association’s(BCEA’S) goal and purpose is to help our members and the industry achieve the highest level of success In an industry so diverse as the electrical industry, the umbrella of the British Columbia Electrical Association covers all components. The BCEA is a strong industry voice, a united front, designed to educate and promote B.C.’s electrical industry.
British Columbia Safety Authority - License # LBP0202050
The British Columbia Safety Authority (BCSA) is an independent, self-funded organization mandated to oversee the safe installation and operation of technical systems and equipment. In addition to issuing permits, licenses and certificates, they work with industry to reduce safety risks through assessment, education and outreach, enforcement, and research.